
Liansong Chen

Santa Rosa, California

Dr. Chen is a board certified Surgical Pathologist, board certified Clinical Pathologist and board certified Cytopathologist who practices in North Bay, San Francisco.

Dr. Chen is a photographer who focus on lifestyle photography. His has published his works of photography in magazines and online media.

He started to publish his poems since medical school. His poems are published in varieties of medias including magazine, newspaper, online and anthology of Chinese poetry.

Medicine is Dr. Chen's calling. But to be completely fulfilled, he thinks it's important to pause and think, take a look around, and absorb your surroundings. The express of deep emotion and thoughts through poetry and photography is the his best way to make his stressful career colorful.

His works in poetry and photography are widely praised by medical colleagues and are favored by friends and readers in online media all over the world.

Dr. Chen lives in Santa Rosa of Sonoma County, Golden State.