
Carrie Sue Day Snelgrove

Greenfield, MA 01301

I have been writting poetry for the past 20 years. When I got diagnosed with cancer 5 years ago I needed an outlet for my emotions and I turned to my poetry, some of it is light some of it is on the darker side, just shows my emotions. I enjoy writting poetry never really knew I had the talent untill a few years ago though, even though I have been writting it for years. My other hobby is digital photagraphy. I am just beginning with this one. So I incorporate the poetry and pictures togethor. Now I also like to do qoutes as well. I'm a spiritual person by nature, by that I mean, I feel that I flow with the universe and my poetry does the same and I believe it comes out in my pictures too. I love animals as you can tell from my books! I have a lot of inspiration and hope at the moment so I pray it continues as I pursue a college degree in media art. I hope you enjoy my work as much as I enjoy making it. Thank You....Carrie Sue Day Snelgrove

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