
Christopher Hunter

Columbus, OH

“When words become unclear, I shall focus with photographs. When images become inadequate, I shall be content with silence.” - Ansel Adams

As a photographer, I want to capture those ephemeral moments that surround us every day, those that make our lives colorful and interesting, a world worth remembering.

Based in Columbus.


Fan Ho, Saul Leiter, Michael Kenna, Dorothea Lange, Sebastião Salgado, Robert Frank, Paul Nicklen, Rebecca Blackwell, Lynsey Addario, Anastasia Vlasova, Deborah Copaken, Vivian Maier, Heidi Levine, Ming Thein, Takeshi Mizukoshi, Roger Deakins (cinematographer), Bradford Young (cinematographer), Janusz Kamiński (cinematographer), Christopher Doyle (cinematographer)

For information on how to order prints or to organize a shoot, please email me at:

Libri di Christopher Hunter