
Danniel Oickle

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Being born into a creative family, Danniel began artistic training at the age of 5, with the techniques of classic sketching. It was through this medium that he learned to manipulate the power of light and dark.
At the age of 13, he sold his first piece and a few years later, Danniel would be offered the first solo exhibit of his art in the form of a permanent exhibit, 2003-2006. In 2005, he was selected as one of the 150 artists to paint a 5 foot tulip for the Canadian Tulip Festival. In 2009, he was offered the honor given to 3 Canadian artists of painting a tombola prize for the NATO Bazaar in Brussels, Belgium.
Having a desire to expand beyond expectations, Danniel’s art focuses on humanity, sexuality, and religion. Having been censored from a collection at the offices of the Supreme Court of Canada, “sex plays a major role in his art” yet it is innocently erotic, Capital Xtra, 2006.

Libri di Danniel Oickle