
Richard Filippe

Winnemucca, Nevada

Richard Filippe was born in Yreka, California, he has lived in 16 states and now resides Winnemucca, Nevada.
He retired in 2002 as a project superintendent for Dynatec. Prior to that he worked for seven years as general foreman for Barrick Gold Corp. He is a former columnist for the Humbolt Sun and the Elko Daily Free Press.
He is a licensed pilot and flew often prior to his stoke in 2007. He is enthusiastic about poker and participates in the World Series of Poker Tournaments.
The pieces contained in the book are about himself or people he knows.
He and his wife of 36 years enjoy living in Winnemucca. They reside with their 7-year-old pooch, Tanner.

Libri di Richard Filippe