


Personal Statement:
Hello my name is Mildred Lucille Fraser, I'm so happy to have the opportunity to be able to reach out and touch someone with my poetry, photography and inspirational writings.
God has blessed me so much I can't help but Praise Him.
I find that being a mother is up there at the top of my favorite things list. I have always been pretty much a loner you can say as it relates to my fellow mankind. But I've always had a sense that God was watching and whispering to me.
I love to express myself through writing poetry, as a child in grade school I wrote a lot. When I became a mom I kind of let it go when I was doing all those motherly things. Then one day I was talking to God, Praying, that’s what I was doing, and I said, "God now that my children are grown and don't seem to need me as much, will you give me a job that I enjoy doing". That very same night, early in the morning The Holy Spirit started speaking to me through beautiful lyrics that I Just had to ge

Libri di Mildred