Born in 1925 in Grimsby, England I soon showed artistic aptitude and won a scholarship to study graphic design – studies disrupted by the war, and service in Royal Air Force. After the war I worked on missiles and the Skylark research rocket. In 1972 I was offered a job in the German Aerospace Research Organization, the NASA of Germany. The change of life-style in Bavaria triggered me to take photography seriously, making close-ups of Alpine flowers for my wife. This developed into a fascination for detail and still life, as well as landscapes, making images featured in my exhibitions and several books. We made many journeys around the Greek islands, France, Italy, Spain & Portugal, shooting literally acres of film. I have often said that if a motif presents itself suddenly ‘out of the blue’, I see it intuitively as a graphic image or some abstract design – a reaction difficult to describe and almost impossible to teach others. I photograph anything that stands or moves, or moves me.