
Jenny Tyler

Townsville, Queensland, Australia

Jenny 's work and study in alternate therapies spans more than 40 years. As well as developing the Rainbow Crystal Essences, Jenny is a Self Esteem Counsellor, Energy Healer, Meditation teacher, Art teacher and Writer.

A fascination for Feng Shui started Jenny studying Ley Lines which led to studying traditional Feng Shui and extended the study from Outer to Inner Feng Shui. She is an advocate of sustainable living, is a Green Smart Professional and environmentalist.

She has also kept her creative urges alive. She still puts paint to canvas and is a competent sculptor winning many major prizes. Other talents: cabinet making, leadlighting, stained glass & glass tile making, hand-painted silk and cotton fabrics, playing piano & violin & sailing.
Qualifications: Diploma Counselling, Diploma Zone Therapy (reflexology), Diploma Massage (Therapeutic and Swedish), Certificate Crystal Therapy, Diploma Feng Shui,Certificate Feng Shui, HAI Green Smart Accredited, Cert 1V Trainer/Assessor

Libri di Jenny Tyler