LYNNEA BYLUND is the former Managing Director of Gandhi Legacy Tours; Director of Gandhi Worldwide Education Institute, a 501c(3); Founder of Catalyst House, has over three decades of experience in publishing, corporate administration, marketing and business development. She was a nationally known spokeswoman for emerging broadband video and information delivery industries. Lynnea has a degree in holistic health and nutrition; she is the founder of two not-for-profit small business-based wireless trade associations and has lobbied on Capitol Hill and at the FCC where she has spoken out strongly against the cable TV monopoly, illegal spectrum warehousing and ill-conceived congressional schemes to auction our nation’s precious airwaves to the highest bidder. In 1995 Lynnea became the first female in the world to be awarded a Broadband PCS operating permit – she was one of only 18 winners, along with Sprint, AT&T, and Verizon, in the biggest cash auction in world history - raising $7.7B.