
Kari Ronning

Anchorage, Alaska

Kari is the principle forerunning artist, author and magic maker behind The Three Muses. Kari is a full time artist with a Bachelor’s of Art from the University of Alaska and the driving force behind the beautiful world of Noren as a creator, author and fine artist. She is an award winning photographer who specializes in digital composites, drawing, BJD (ball joint doll) aesthetics, and all our graphic designs and art. Passionate about writing and story telling she’s been a spinner of tales and the art to go with it since grade school.

She keeps us organized and on task working tirelessly on everything Noren and the Muses need. She can be shy but works hard at overcoming her awkwardness with a sharp, witty sense of hilarity with a hint of dark humor. She’s the “keeper of the faith” for the group, always pushing us to create and express. Her ideas and drive for art are tireless. She’s a wonderful singer, loves music, cooking and has an unexplained obsession with elves.

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