
Renee Blodgett

San Francisco, CA

Renee Blodgett has been providing strategic communications and marketing consulting for emerging companies worldwide for twenty years. Her global approach comes from launching companies, products and services from around the world.

She is the founder of Magic Sauce Media (http://www,magicsaucemedia), a consultancy dedicated to marketing, word-of-mouth campaigns, innovation, social media, blogging, PR, and branding.

She is also the founder of Magic Sauce Photography -

She is the editor and founder of We Blog the World - http:/, a blog network that covers untold stories from around the world across 30 topics & also blogs at Renee is also the co-founder of Traveling Geeks -, an initiative dedicated to sharing & reporting on technology innovation worldwide.

Follow her on Twitter @magicsaucephoto @magicsaucemedia & @weblogtheworld

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