
Rocky Foster

Houston, Texas

I am an LSU graduate with a Bachelor of Fine Art in the Photography concentration. As an artist I enjoy focusing my work on personal matters that affect my mental, emotional, and physical well being. I also enjoy addressing societal issues within my work such as racism against the Black community and discrimination against the LGBTQ+ community. I began taking photography seriously Freshman year of high school when I joined the photojournalism class my school offered. After that, I became a member of my school's Yearbook Staff and worked my way up to Editor-In-Chief through the duration of my senior year. It wasn't until I started attending photo classes offered by the College of Art and Design that I began to develop my personal style of photography and evolve as a Fine Artist. Presently I have been working of deeply personal works of art that pertain to my family life and how they have impacted me as a person.

Libri di Rocky Foster