
Tori Villar Guzmán

Anywhere the moon rises on the East.

Once upon a time, I was a wild poetess, with dreams of turning into a novelist.

Then, life happened and instead of writing stories I lived some, from mid winter, sober cold buildering in Neratovice, before the name even existed to having a stranger break into my North African ferry crossing and the boat being discharged on foot only to discover the marauding lad was none other than an upper class Spaniard on his way to the army.

More life stuff happened. I tripped over myself and thought I´d fallen in love, twice. Got married, had kids, did some more wild stuff such as taking 14 students from Hong Kong to Spain with a four month old baby who had also been baby sat by fellow writer Sooz from Ausland when barely two weeks so I could teach my first lecture at Hong Kong University.

It turned out I didn´t enjoy lecturing very much. Mothering in a far away land is far more exciting.

Until it isn´t anymore because all the chores have been done for good and the only thing left is write.

Libri di Tori Villar Guzmán