Levittown, Long Island, New York - U.S.A.

41 ...& Life Has Only Just Begun ...

Lil is short for Lillian.
I don't care what you call me, Just call me . : )

It's been quite the Journey & The Saga Continues. As the stomach turns. LOL
I've led a full life & it's been far from easy but I always survive & always will, because "I'm Just Me" ..."I'm Just Lil"

I have a cat son and a dog daughter & what's better than that !!!

I am the person who tries to make everyone laugh & usually succeeds. Laughter is the best medicine.
I would love to attempt "stand up" comedy one day.

I have been writing since I am 12 years old and find it most gratifying.
Getting your thoughts out on paper is one of the best forms of "therapy" to let it all out.

I'm a total "People" person.
I am blessed with wonderful family & friends in high & low places.

I get along with all walks of life and especially love children & animals.

I can be quite serious but I'm a big kid at heart and a big goofball...

I love Music, Reiki & Life