
Anne Middleton


Anne Middleton launched her personal histories business in 2011 shortly after retiring from UC San Diego, following a lengthy career in journalism, public relations and fundraising. Throughout her varied work experiences, getting to know people and their life stories was a highlight. After obtaining a master’s degree in print journalism from Northwestern University in 1987, Anne worked for several years as a newspaper reporter. In 2009, she wrote her first personal history, “Middie’s Memoirs,” which chronicled her Dad’s life. This book and other personal histories, including "Our 20 Kraemer Cousins -- featuring #2 Stevie Brennan," and "Happy '85' Birthday, Ed (Barthold)," are available at Anne is a certified Guided Autobiography (GAB) instructor and a member of the Association of Personal Historians (APH).

Libri di Anne Middleton