
Ken Thompson

Glen Ellyn, IL

After retiring as Chief Chemist of ScholAR Chemistry, a provider of laboratory chemicals to schools and colleges, Ken Thompson began photographing in earnest. After taking a series of workshops and classes at the Morton Arboretum and other venues, he was invited to return to the Arboretum as an instructor, where he has remained for over ten years. He teaches classes in close-up photography, butterflies and dragonflies, and color theory in composition. In addition he was a co-instructor at the Great Smoky Mountain Institute (GSMIT) Fall Color Photo Workshop for 10 years. He continues at GSMIT as a co-leader of a winter photography workshop. Ken has spoken before several camera clubs in the Chicago area, and has several awards for photos that used focus stacking techniques.

Ken’s interests revolve around water in its many forms, especially close-ups of water drops and flower close-ups. He has been working with focus stacking for over seven years.

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