
East Coast Woman's Salon

New Jersey

The East Coast Woman's Salon is a gathering place for women who are dedicated to lifelong learning and the creation of a community for women to learn and share and co-create.

Salons are held seasonally with a provocative theme created for each. Those themes are explored using a multi-sensory approach.

The current Salon will be held on Oct. 19, 2013. Its theme is 'The Way of the Autumn Woman...Embracing Wabi-Sabi as a Way of Living.'

Our new e-book, Wisdom of the 8 Bowls, is especially intended for those who are feeling betwixt and between.

It offers a wonderful tale that guides you to greater and greater wisdom, which is the quality needed to move into a new phase of life or work.

Please enjoy our offerings!

Flo Schell, EdM
Founder: East Coast Woman's Salon

Aree di competenza

Women's Growth

Affiliazioni professionali

American Association of University Women

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