
Great Developments Pty Ltd

Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia

Great Developments Pty Ltd, trading as Great Developments Publishers, is a small family company publishing books written by Bryan Foster, editor, author, photographer, and videographer; and Karen, Bryan's wife, who assists with editing and photography. The company has produced over 30 books to date. Books are available from good internet bookstores and various shopfront shops, worldwide.

Four main themes are covered throughout the years.

The main theme for the latest Series is the 'God Today' Series by Bryan Foster. This 11-book series was developed from 2016 to 2024.

The initial book set for GDP was released from 2008 to 2011. 5 books covered two main themes, Marketing Schools in the Digital Age, and Marketing Churches in the Digital Age.

This was followed by the second series - Photobooks - 'My Australia Photos', concentrating on the Northern Territory and its outback, especially Uluru/Ayers Rock, Far North Queensland, and some east coast sites.

Aree di competenza

Writing/authoring and Publishing non-fiction books, and websites.
Photography and videography.
Marketing schools, churches, and Great Developments Publishers (our private company)
Deanery, Parish pastoral councils (Chair and Secretary) - Gold Coast and Southern Brisbane Deanery
42 years of teaching and leadership at the senior and middle levels in Catholic schools.
Schools' leadership - Primary/Elementary principal x2; and secondary Assistant Principal RE and Pastoral Care, (12 years).

Affiliazioni professionali

Retired. Various educational and educational leadership memberships.
A writer of published academic journal articles.
42 years of leadership and teaching in both primary/elementary schools for eight years, and secondary schools for thirty-four years.

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