Hi there! I'm Gina Nicole, a Spiritual Mentor & Feng Shui Practitioner who focuses on embodiment.
I work with high sensitive people and heart-centered entrepreneurs who feel others’ emotions and are likely giving away too much.
I believe when you learn how to manage this Divine connection to source energy, you can come into full alignment and live a passion-filled, purposeful life!
Over the past several years, I've helped hundreds of people move intuit their blocks and live in a higher frequency.
My passion is working with others to activate their innate abilities. It lights me up to see others conquer fear and come out on top, living a passion-filled, empowered life! I'm committed to providing clarity around intuition, purpose, and spirituality to business owners who seek alignment.
Aree di competenza
Gina was trained as a Feng Shui Practitioner at the BTB School of Feng Shui and certified through the Feng Shui Interior Design program at the New York Institute of Art and Design. She is a Subtle Energy Medicine Practioner, Energy Codes Coach, and Certified Intuitive Counselor. She has completed Medical Intuition Training and is devoted to developing her skills, and consistently continues her studies with seasoned teachers and leaders.