
Marc Jaffe

Barrington, RI

Marc Jaffe is a native Rhode Islander who moved away at a young age, but returned to do his residency in Obstetrics and Gynecology at Women and Infants Hospital in 1981. Marc has enjoyed photography since childhood, and took pictures for his high school newspaper and yearbook. Although not formally trained, Marc has developed a passion for photography over the years and has been sharing that passion with his wife, Bonnie, who graduated from RISD in 1978.
Marc’s style is varied, but often leans toward humor and patterns in various situations; others showcase the uniqueness of people being themselves, often in solitary moments. He prefers not to alter images on the computer, trying to capture images the old-fashioned way, using the computer just for cropping and fine-tuning. He has won numerous awards in recent years for his work.
Marc resides with his family in Barrington, RI.

Libri di Marc Jaffe