
Ashley Lucas

Jersey City, NJ, USA

Born in Lancaster, Pennsylvania to two fabulous artists that met each other in art school, I had a childhood filled with endless creative projects ranging from made up board games, elaborate puppet shows, and my first novel ‘The Adventures of Mr. Pod’ completed when I was thirteen years old. Now just a dusty, returned and rejected manuscript, that little project was one of my favorite endeavors. As a young adult, I made my way to New York City to study film {and some interesting life lessons} at the Tisch School of the Arts at New York University. After college I held a variety of jobs in the fashion, marketing, and teaching industries that have shaped the person I am today. I’m currently working on promoting my brand ‘Lady Lucas’ in the NY metro area while maintaining a steady exhibition schedule and looking at publishing opportunities for my children’s books. I am always looking for new exhibition opportunities and for businesses that may be interested in carrying my designs.