
Liana Phibbs

Tucson, Arizona, United States of America

Liana Fernandez de Castro Phibbs studied art at the Universidad de La Habana, and the Academia Real de San Alejandro in Cuba. She came to the U.S. in 1961 as a Castro refugee. Her landscapes depict places she has lived or visited. Her Happy Havanas are memoirs of her lost island, a mix of fantasy and abstraction. The Portraits are works of personal friends and historical figures, George Bernard Shaw and Ernest Hemingway and others. The Animals with an Attitude Series is aptly named as she captures the souls of wildlife throughout North America. The Flower Series are immersed in colors and shapes, with a feeling for the fluctuations of the light and reflections in their glass containers. The Architectural and Abstract works are intricate shapes with brilliant colors. Several paintings do not fit into strict categories; Liana calls them The Sarcastic Ones. Fans of Liana‘s works comment, "your paintings make me feel happy. I couldn’t imagine life without them."

Libri di Liana Phibbs