I've now created three books up on Blurb:
- a manifesto for distributed architectures
- a textbook on how to build a software infrastructure for digital cities
- documentation of a summer internship program
I'm a 25+ year veteran of the software business and father of five. I've just moved to Cleveland, Ohio to take my theory and turn it into practice.
In an earlier life I started a company called MacroMind which became Macromedia. I helped invent multimedia authoring tools, players and cross platform playback.
Aree di competenza
Integrated systems, distributed architectures, digital lifestyle aggregation, open standards development, opera, reggae
Affiliazioni professionali
FuturisticYoungIdeas, CaseConnectionZone, think[box], LaunchHouse, Digital City Foundation, DiSO, FOAFnet,, structuredblogging,org, OpenSoical, OpenID, Identity Gang, Data Sharing summits