
Darren Balch

Spokane, WA USA

The goal probably seemed simple enough to a young Darren Balch. "I wanted to photograph every major rock band in the world."

Never mind that he lived in rural Eastern Washington, about as far as you could get from the glitzy rock capitals of L.A. and New York without actually leaving the country. Never mind that he had no formal training, no bankroll and no connection to the Byzantine and bizarre concert world.

Damned if Darren didn't do exactly what he set out to do.

"The Ansel Adams of rock & roll photography."
- Rick Nesbitt, Editor, The Scene Magazine

"Darren's photographs put you in the front row of a concert without buying a ticket. You can hear the crunching guitar cords and wild leads. Intense stuff!"
- Doug Clark, The Spokesman-Review

"He knows what he's doing. He hits the moment of action on the button! Great compositions."
- Neil Zlozower,

Libri di Darren Balch