Freelance photographer based in the Republic of Georgia. Regularly cooperates with The New York Times and Newsweek Poland Additionally, her works have been published in various publications such as: Monocle, Stern, Russian Reporter, Ogoniok, NG Travel, Le Monde-among others.
In 2009 received Second Prize in World Press Photo Competition (People in the News) –for her Coverage of War in South Ossetia. Same year was a winner of Canon Female Photojournalist Prize , prize given annually in The International Photojournalism Festival of Perpignan - Visa pour l"Image.
Started her work as a photojournalist in 1999 as a photographer for Polish daily Gazeta Wyborcza. .In 2002 became freelance and moved to Georgia, where she started to work on her long-term documentary project about the South Caucasus.
Aree di competenza
The project was awarded –among others- second prize in the Santa Fe Center for Visual Arts Project and got an honorable mention from the Dorotea Lange/ Robert Taylor Prize in 2003. The Kiyosato Museum of Photographic Arts bought her works for their museum collection. Recent publication of her work appeared in the German yearbook of Reporters without Borders. Born in Poland in 1973.
Affiliazioni professionali
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