
R K Bee


Hi :) 1000 characters isn't much in order for me to tell you all about myself, but let's start with the fact that I absolutely adore writing. My books are mainly inspired by my own experiences and the stories that swim in my mind whilst I'm asleep. There's a lot more to me than just writing, though. I'm aiming to pursue a career in psychology and I love music and art; they allow you to express yourself in amazing ways, so I sing on a daily basis and draw whenever I can.

The most important thing to me would have to be my friends. What about my family? Well, my family are my friends! They're the ones that support me and the people that I just get through life with. They're my backbone and I love them tremendously. I'm also always buzzing to meet new people, so don't hesitate to get in touch.

You can contact through Twitter at hyperbubble157

Thank you all for your support!