


<br> <br><p>Minecraft and Civilization 6 aren’t necessarily games that you’d put together. Minecraft’s a sandbox game. Civilization 6 is a 4X game,. They’re not what you’d consider fast friends. Despite that, while the way you interact with the world is different in each, the core concepts of exploration, survival, and building are integral in both games. And there’s never a limit to the possibilities of Minecraft builds. </p><br><br> <br><br><br><br> <br><p>If you’re willing to commit enough time, you can actually recreate parts of Civilization 6 in Minecraft. In fact, a pair of Redditors is continuing to do so. LookosZero and their friend ChuteNNN have been recreating the wonders of Civ 6 for some time now, and have most recently recreated the Great Library.</p><br><br> <br><br><br><br> <br><p>The Great Library is an interp