
pamela van kirk


Creative I am, Creative I'll be.......I cannot stop being creative. I cannot turn off the imagination.
As I get older the stories increase. Stories based on real life, the only one I know and remember. Now multiply that by 7 billion, all the minds and memories of all the people on the planet Earth. It is almost enough to intimidate me and yet I am still alive, even after a near death experience, and always creating.
"Celebrating Creativity" was made as a documentation of my art with descriptions, dimensions and prices, things my mind refuses to recall without reference. It is a bit of insight into the mind of the artist, full of beautiful reproductions of original art.
"Who Am I?" follows suit but begins to ad more personal information while encouraging others to ASK themselves that very question: who am I? It is truly our purpose as humans.
"Just This" gets even more personal as it adds a section about the near death experience. Death is ever approaching so LIVE!

Libri di pamela van kirk