
Tomas Loewy

Miami Beach, FL

Tomas Loewy was born in Prague, grew up in Buenos Aires, Munich, New York. Moving to Miami equaled vision, optimism, creativity. Based on his international background in journalism, television, film & online, Tomas found his visual expression, molding images with a love for moments, situations, time lapse, detail and human emotions.
Part of this 'just-like-being-there' visual blend comes from the refusal to be content with the comfortable life most people lead. The right combination of stability and lack thereof is a personal choice: at different times draining, provoking, challenging, exhilarating.
His visual installations express emotions & impact others by showing facets of life with a like-being-there point of view the viewer would not encounter without seeing these images.

Libri di Tomas Loewy