Bee Sting: Medlineplus Clinical Encyclopedia Picture
The pruritic papules of regular attacks might resemble other hypersensitivity responses, such as urticaria or dermatitis. Bullous or necrotic reactions may simulate erythema multiforme, dermatitis herpetiformis, vasculitis, and other breakouts. Clear-cut diagnosis is feasible just if the bite is observed. If your youngster had an allergic reaction to a bee or wasp sting in the past, talk with the physician concerning a prescription for an epinephrine auto-injector. A person that experiences anaphylaxis after being hurt by a bee is more probable to experience anaphylaxis when stung in the future. Medical professionals must recommend an EpiPen for these individuals to utilize in emergencies.
An infected sting might create pus and be painful and inflamed with spreading staining. Infection normally takes place at the very least 24-- two