


<br> <br><br><br> <br><br>A typical massage can last between ten and ninety minutes. It will leave you feeling relaxed and calm. The massage should be relaxing for the masseuse as well as the client. Before you begin the massage take a moment to breathe normally and relax. The masseuse may perform a music session throughout the massage, however you can request a more peaceful experience if you prefer. If you have sensitive areas you may want to ask for a gentler pressure. To relieve tension, you can lie down after the massage.<br><br> <br><br><br><br> <br><br>Burmese massage is another well-known option. This technique is similar to Thai massage, however it pays special attention to the energy meridians in the feet. Burmese uses cross-fibre pressure to open the fascia. As with most forms of massage, this type of massage starts with the feet, progresses to the legs and ends by focusing on the neck and shoulders. A typical massage that la