Presentation of Vin'z Hélin
And of its artistic line
Vin'z Hélin is a self-taught artist.
Born on October 8, 1975 in the North of France, he began very young to draw in pencil. Already, in school, instead of listening to the teacher, he preferred to draw.
In 1984, he took part in the entrance examination to the manecanterie of the "small singers with the cross of wood", where it remains two years. Then he goes back to his studies, but he still dreams of being a clown (circus artist), a film actor, a stuntman, a sportsman ... but of course with a pencil in his hand.
At an early age, he feels attracted by Art.
Among the artists who inspired him are Leonardo da Vinci, Dali, Escher, Warhol, as well as the American Schools of Drawing, with the Comics Book; the European comics or the Japanese Mangas, and even the cinema .... of Science fiction.
More recently, his artistic direction goes to Pete Harrison, Michaël O and Tony Ariawan (Digital artists known in the world of digital a