I don’t like pretentious or exaggerated bios, so what follows is the plain truth about me.
I do like beautiful women, sexual fantasy, and eroticism. If you don’t, then you won’t like my art. I shoot what pleases me and find it enormously gratifying that I’m published, displayed, and collected.
I’m married. My wife Patty and I are like Thelma & Louise. If you’re old enough to remember them, you'll understand what I mean. Patty is also my business partner and photo shoot assistant. Pretty much nothing happens without her.
I’ve been a photographer and fine art printmaker most of my life—some years as a professional, some years as an amateur. My age and temperament allow me to engage in what I do without ogling my models. If that weren’t true, you’d be reading about my exploits rather than looking at my art.
If you like my work, please buy it, knowing that your purchase allows me to continue.