
Mohd Zie Haqqin Aman

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

The jack-of-all-trades. His work ranging from the corporate, wedding and sports photography he dabbles with, A strong visual storyteller through his clean and powerful still images, he hopes to relate to his audience with his enigmatic style and surreal documentary work. His penchant for the unexplored drives him to leave no stone unturned.

Zie Haqqin has had his photos being published on various local & International media. A Founder of Petak and a co-founder of the multinational Cycling Image Agency; Peloton Images Asia along with other Japanese and Singaporean
Photographer, proves that our photo quality is in amongst the top of the world. Own a very detailed personality, He always strive to create powerful still and moving imageries – interpreted from his soul through his visual perspectives.

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