
M. P. Stone

Dallas Texas

Monique “M. P.” Stone is a 40-year resident of Dallas, Texas. She has appeared on several television shows, newscast and in magazines and newspapers throughout Texas representing her non-profit organization and artistic accomplishments. She recently released two uplifting and impactful documentaries in 2015 and 2017, Homeless To Hired and Here Today, Gone Tomorrow which she wrote, directed, filmed, narrated and edited. Ms. Stone has written several stage plays with original songs and eight confidence-building and mystical-magical children’s story books, in addition to many television/reality show pilots and mini-bibles. She is the founder of Stray Savers Animal Rescue Organization and her latest books which was featured at the Tulisoma Book Fair Cats Are Cool, Dogs Are Dope and Adoption Tails was an animal rescue and adoption promoting pictorial favorite.

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