
Philip V Jenkinson

Sydney, NSW, Australia

Hi, I'm Philip V Jenkinson. I don't have my own dedicated author website but the good folks at Cool Fiction are awesomely supportive and committed to promoting new writers of contemporary, thriller fiction. They have a lot of information on my books and what I am up to, so please check out the site.

My novel 'Natural Causes' was my first into limited release paperback. What would you do if you could afford to keep on adding to your lifespan? What ethical dilemas would you brush aside? What would you do to people who stood in your way? That's the vibe for Natural Causes.

My other novel in print is 'Looking for Mr Wrong'... where a bit of a lost soul falls for a wild younger woman with life-changing consequences. Both novels are modern, pacey, edgy, action-packed, and hopefully very entertaining books that I really hope you enjoy. I am currently writing another work of contemporary fiction... 'Alpha and Omega' and I recently published my short story 'All thirteen of us'.

Cheers, PVJ

Libri di Philip V Jenkinson

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