
Patricia Borges

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Patricia Borges (1974) was born in Brazil, grew up in several cities and countries, and returned to Rio de Janeiro in 2014.
For fifteen years she worked as an architect. Closing her practice Modus Arquitetura in 2009 to pursue a career as a visual artist.
In 2013 she exhibited her photographic work series "Agulhas II" at the IX Florence Biennale in Italy, where she was awarded with the Lorenzo Il Magnifico first prize in Photography.
In 2014 her photographic work "Agulhas I" was displayed at the Biennale D'Arte di Roma, and also won First Prize in Photography.
In 2015 she got a Jewelry Design degree from IED - Istituto Europeo di Design
In 2016 she got a Cinematographer degree from AIC - International Academy of Cinema / RJ. Followed by a Screenplay degree in 2017.
She is currently studying Video Art at EAV - Escola de Artes Visuais Parque Lage / RJ.
Along with fine arts production, professional focus lays on photography, video and installation projects.
More: www.patriciaborges.com

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