Funzionalità e dettagli
Formato del progetto: Orizzontale standard, 25×20 cm
N° di pagine: 52 - Data di pubblicazione: nov 25, 2008
Informazioni sull'autore
October 4, 2008 6:52 pm to sunrise On Saturday, October 4, 2008 close to a million revellers took to Toronto's streets to participate in this playful sunset-to-sunrise celebration of contemporary art. For one sleepless night, residents and visitors explored unique areas of the city, or encountered familiar destinations transformed by artists. This event brought together the exceptional talents of more than 750 artists and curators, 450 docents and volunteers, 92 galleries, museums, cultural and educational institutions and neighbourhoods, and 24 corporate sponsors and media partners. 95 second year students from Seneca College's Graphic Design program celebrated the evening by visiting the various zones and recording nuit blanche in words and pictures, then compiling it all in the many books on display here. We hope you enjoy this record of our experiences!