die schönsten deutschen Schlösser und Burgen
di Patrick Beckers
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Informazioni sul libro
Deutschland hat in den letzten paar Jahrhunderten um die 25.000 Burgen und Schlösser beheimatet. Viele davon gehören schon seit Jahren der Vergangenheit an oder sind nur noch kleine oder große Ruinen. In diesem Buch stellt der Autor Ihnen über 100 Deutsche Burgen und Schlösser vor die es heute noch gibt; Bekannte und Unbekannte; Große und Kleine. Burgen und Schlösser auch die in vielen Fällen neu aufgebaut worden sind, restauriert, oder einfach nur erhalten. Mit Bilder die der Autor in 2012 und 2013 gemacht hat und hier zum ersten Male veröffentlicht werden.
Funzionalità e dettagli
- Categoria principale: Architettura
Formato del progetto: Formato orizzontale grande, 33×28 cm
N° di pagine: 240 -
- Copertina rigida rivestita: 9789080052642
- Copertina rigida con sovraccoperta: 9781320151870
- Data di pubblicazione: ott 04, 2013
- Lingua German
- Parole chiave Duitsland, Germany, palaces, kastelen, castles, Deutschland, Burgen, Schlösser
Informazioni sull'autore
Patrick Beckers is from Maastricht, The Netherlands. He has been taken pictures since 1981, but it really became a hobby from 1987 onwards. He started his photograph-career with motor-racing pictures. These days, architecture photography is his specialty, although once or twice a year, he still turns up at motor-racing events. From 1998 til 2008, he travelled around the world to take pictures of the world's tallest skyscrapers and he even released some books on this subject. Since 2012, taking pictures of European castles has been his main objective. Many of his (architecture) pictures have been used in books, magazines, leaflets, and on other websites. His website, his photography, his publishing and other journalistic work have always been done as a hobby, with no direct means of commercial profit. The little profit, if any, he makes, he uses to update his photo equipment and to pay for his travel expenses.