KOOL AS HECK Hot as Hell Volume 1
The pinup experiences of Jeff Kulisek
di Jeff Kulisek
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Informazioni sul libro
Jeff Kulisek is an internet sensation creating a fanbase through out the world with his amazing likenesses and incredibly sexy representation of the every woman.
Introduction excerpt :
Main Entry: PINUP
Pronunciation: \ˈpin-ˌəp\
Function: noun
Date: 1943
:something fastened to a wall: as A: a photograph or
poster of a person considered to have glamorous
qualities B: a full-page piece of artwork, most often
without dialogue that showcases a character
Main Entry : PINUPADAY
Pronunciation: \ˈpin-ˌəp-a-ˈdā\
Function: noun
Date: 2008
:The Art of Jeff Kulisek conveying the inner vision
of a woman's idealized version of themselves.
Showing the beauty that she truly knows is there.
The everywoman... As she appears to the Man or
Woman who loves her as much as she loves herself.
"Jeff had begun drawing. It started with picking up the book How To Draw Comics the Marvel Way. A book that he lent to one of our friends and thus never saw again.
He also kept drawing.
It was around this time that I began to notice, that he was drawing some of the hottest women I had ever seen on paper.
In 2008, enter the internet and MySpace.
Soon hundreds of women began requesting Jeff to draw hot sexy versions of themselves and the rest is history. The Hudson Valley secret was out. People all across cyberspace soon discovered what I had already known for about a decade.
That Jeff could draw some of the sexiest, blazing hot women you could ever see on a page.
And with this fine collection of his work, who will ever need the newest issue of Playboy or FHM again? "
-from the introduction by Paul Biagiotti
This high quality hard cover contains over 200 full color illustrations.
Introduction excerpt :
Main Entry: PINUP
Pronunciation: \ˈpin-ˌəp\
Function: noun
Date: 1943
:something fastened to a wall: as A: a photograph or
poster of a person considered to have glamorous
qualities B: a full-page piece of artwork, most often
without dialogue that showcases a character
Main Entry : PINUPADAY
Pronunciation: \ˈpin-ˌəp-a-ˈdā\
Function: noun
Date: 2008
:The Art of Jeff Kulisek conveying the inner vision
of a woman's idealized version of themselves.
Showing the beauty that she truly knows is there.
The everywoman... As she appears to the Man or
Woman who loves her as much as she loves herself.
"Jeff had begun drawing. It started with picking up the book How To Draw Comics the Marvel Way. A book that he lent to one of our friends and thus never saw again.
He also kept drawing.
It was around this time that I began to notice, that he was drawing some of the hottest women I had ever seen on paper.
In 2008, enter the internet and MySpace.
Soon hundreds of women began requesting Jeff to draw hot sexy versions of themselves and the rest is history. The Hudson Valley secret was out. People all across cyberspace soon discovered what I had already known for about a decade.
That Jeff could draw some of the sexiest, blazing hot women you could ever see on a page.
And with this fine collection of his work, who will ever need the newest issue of Playboy or FHM again? "
-from the introduction by Paul Biagiotti
This high quality hard cover contains over 200 full color illustrations.
Funzionalità e dettagli
- Categoria principale: Belle arti
Formato del progetto: Orizzontale standard, 25×20 cm
N° di pagine: 80 - Data di pubblicazione: dic 29, 2008
- Parole chiave Jeff Kulisek, sexy art, petty. rockwell, Kulisek, Pinup, olivia, vargas, leyendecker
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Informazioni sull'autore
Jeff Kulisek
Newburgh, NY 12550
Something witty and clever is supposed to be here about Jeff so you can think he is witty and clever.