Informazioni sul libro
MIXTO WORLD was created through succesive author´s solo expeditions to Patagonia, Tierra del Fuego, Los Andes, Pyrenees Mountains, the Arctic, Wadden Islands and the Bosporus Strait, among others, as well as his approach to the urban landscapes beside the rivers Ebro and Thames.
MIXTO WORLD is also a 80 pages book, with 59 pictures (28 diptychs and one triptych) and 7 full double-page pictures.
MIXTO WORLD is also a 80 pages book, with 59 pictures (28 diptychs and one triptych) and 7 full double-page pictures.
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Informazioni sull'autore
Joaquin Chueca Cia
Spain Waseda University, Tokyo. Cosmic rays Astrophysics. The University of Edinburgh. Climate. Carbon capture and Geological storage. Harvard University. Cell Biology. Mitochondria. Visual Arts.