Imperial College Expedition to Kashmir in 1960
Overland : London - Kashmir - London
di David G. Murphy
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Informazioni sul libro
A pictorial documentation of the experiences of a group of five college students driving from England to Kashmir and back in 1960 through Iran, Afghanistan and Pakistan. The purpose of the expedition was to demonstrate that the overland route from London to Kashmir was possible in an ordinary production car, and to report on the road conditions.
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Informazioni sull'autore
A native of England, during World War II he experienced bombing attacks in his hometown and witnessed an aerial attack that may have inspired his future career. In the 1960s he migrated to the United States as a graduate student at Cornell University, eventually moving to the West Coast where he joined The Boeing Company in Seattle. With a background in design studies of commercial aircraft, he began a 33-year career at Douglas Aircraft in Long Beach leading a design team for passenger aircraft.