Tournai - Anvers, le 04 novembre 2016
Collection "Incertain Jour"
di Patrick Canhan
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Informazioni sul libro
Venir y chercher son chocolat, son tabac, ses plats en sauce, ses bières si rondes...
Laisser aller ses pas sur le pavé mouillé, lécher les vitrines, observer ses architectures folles ses fenêtres mystérieusement éclairées ...
Tout d'abord la ville de Tournai et son restaurant dédié à Monsieur Hergé....
Puis ... Arrivée de nuit à la gare d'Anvers. Une gare qui a gardé ses traces de colonies anciennes avec ses fastes d'ampleur ses lustres royaux et non loin,
ses boutiques dédiées aux brillants..... Chère Belgique. Très chère Belgique !
ENGLISH : Tournai and Antwerp, November 04, 2016. We are a Friday.
Come and get your chocolate, his tobacco, his dishes in sauce, his beers so round ... To let go his steps on the wet pavement, lick the windows,
observe his crazy architectures its mysteriously lit windows ...
First of all, the town of Tournay and its restaurant dedicated to Monsieur Hergé.
Then ... Arrival at night at the Antwerp train station. A station that has kept its traces of ancient colonies with its splendor his royal chandeliers and not far,
its boutiques dedicated to the brilliant ..... Dear Begique Very dear Belgium!
Funzionalità e dettagli
- Categoria principale: Libri d'arte e fotografia
Formato del progetto: 13×20 cm
N° di pagine: 92 -
- Copertina morbida: 9781388780951
- Data di pubblicazione: mar 09, 2018
- Lingua French
- Parole chiave Anvers, antwerpen, urbain, rubens, architecture, streetshoot, Tournai, Belgium, Belgique
Informazioni sull'autore
Born in Paris, France, in October 1956, Patrick Canhan takes his first steps in Paris, in the districts of Ménilmontant. His finger will get stuck in the porcelain inkwell of his first school! That was a good start! Since 2009, Patrick Canhan has published a collection of photographics booklets entitled "UNCERTAIN DAY" dedicated to each of his improvised photographic days. Today more than 280 photographic days have given rise to 280 notebooks, published at the author's own expense. These notebooks represent his innumerable wanderings, both in France, in Europe and Asia. Recent exhibitions : Poetry and photography, gallery Christiane Peugeot, Champs-Elysées, Paris, June 2017 6th meeting of photography, Dieppe, France, October, 2017 Salon des Beaux Arts, Carrousel du Louvre, Paris, décember2017 Exhibition in Tokyo, Seoul and Pékin,.June 2018 Exhibition Paris, gallery les Parnassiens, february 2019 Invited as a photographic resident, city of Liévin, France, June 2019