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Informazioni sul libro
En bilderbok med tre textfria illustrerade julsagor. Med Peter Hertzbergs "Snön den faller", Zacharias Topelius "Sparven" och H.C Andersens "Flickan med svavelstickorna" alla vackert illustrerade av Peter Hertzberg. 140 sidor illustrerade sidor om julens inre mening..
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Funzionalità e dettagli
- Categoria principale: Natale
- Categorie aggiuntive Fumetti e graphic novel, Libri per bambini
Formato del progetto: 15×23 cm
N° di pagine: 144 -
- Copertina morbida: 9780464586401
- Data di pubblicazione: nov 24, 2019
- Lingua Swedish
- Parole chiave julgubbe, gammaldags jul, julsamling, julsaga, jul
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Informazioni sull'autore
Hi! I'm Peter Hertzberg. I live to tell the stories that I feel are the most important and in the way I feel is the most moving, without having to worry about how they will be perceived by publishers and the industry. That's why I created OMOiOMO, my platform for releasing the stories I conjure out to the world. With OMOiOMO I can focus on creating and improving my craft, instead of the bureaucracies of the industry, so that hopefully, after 50 years, there will be people who, when thinking back to magical and important things from their childhood, they will think of a story I've told. I publish books in English! På svenska! Algunos en español! Ja vähen suomeksi!