Oil Paintings 2007 -2019
di Natalie Papamichael
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Informazioni sul libro
Natalie Papamichael is a figurative artist whose work is drawn from her personal experiences and her study of art history, psychoanalysis and feminism. Her book includes 16 large scale colour reproductions of her oil paintings created between 2007 and 2019. Seeking to challenge the exclusion of women artists from art history and academic training she has been teaching herself to paint using the classical technique of the old masters. This book documents her painstaking journey to attain an authentic voice in the face of adversity. Following the academic model we see her journey from the copy to her original works. She creates and re-writes her own narratives in dialogue with a hidden history, using masquerade, performance and self-portraiture. The work speaks to us in the here and now, demanding that we bare witness to Herstory.
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Funzionalità e dettagli
- Categoria principale: Belle arti
- Categorie aggiuntive Libri d'arte e fotografia
Formato del progetto: Verticale standard, 20×25 cm
N° di pagine: 38 - Data di pubblicazione: nov 27, 2019
- Lingua English
- Parole chiave Art History, Oil Painting, Feminism
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